About Us

Hey there! We're Archana and Luann, the friendly faces behind Ask A Recruiter. Our recruitment journeys kicked off at a fast-paced agency, where we instantly clicked as coworkers. As we hustled through work side by side, our connection grew beyond just colleagues—we became genuine friends, sharing laughs and supporting each other on and off the clock.

From sharing coffee breaks to tackling hiring challenges together, we also found common ground in our passion for helping people navigate the job market.

With diverse backgrounds spanning various industries and roles, we've gained a wealth of experience and insights along the way. From technology to finance, healthcare to retail, we've tackled recruitment challenges across the board.

As friends turned business partners, we decided to channel our passion into Ask A Recruiter. Our mission is simple yet profound: to be the support system we wish we had when we were navigating the job market. We believe that every candidate, regardless of background or circumstance, deserves access to resources and guidance to present themselves as the best possible applicant.

At Ask A Recruiter, we're not just recruiters; we're your allies, mentors, and sounding boards. Whether you're seeking advice on resume crafting, interview preparation, or career navigation, we're here to provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique journey.

Join us at Ask A Recruiter, where your career aspirations become our shared mission. Your personal recruiters, working for you to make your job search experience a little brighter, a little easier, and a whole lot more human.

Your Personal Recruiters,

Archana & Luann